Bookshelf Wall, Part 2: The framing goes up
Measurements have been measured! Boards have been cut! The bookshelf wall is underway and I’m amazed, yet again, at how well Andrew can perfectly nail something into place juuuussst as I’m revising the placement (hey—it’s not my fault I’m busy keeping the children alive!). We are learning VERY frequent communication about every little detail is crucial.
Honestly though, I was amazed at how quickly the boards went up. He said it’d be quick and it was. We started by removing the baseboards and crown molding—both of which will get replaced once the shelves are in—on Saturday. And by Sunday the platform was built.
The platform will allow the bottom bookshelf to sit on something solid, while the vertical framework will support the shelves and arches up top. The hardest part of this framing day was securing the boards along the ceiling. We were fighting gravity in a big way and we needed to secure the ceiling boards before adding the vertical columns. Eventually we landed on a system that worked of me holding the boards while he nailed them in place. Meanwhile the children ran wild, including when they snapped a million photos on my phone of their stuffed animals and their nostrils. Eventually the six-year-old documented our work for me (below). She’s really great at her angles.
Once the framing was complete, I could really truly envision the shelves and feel confident about our decision to add them to this room. This reel also takes you through the framing process, which feels very satisfying to watch.